# Zaps

high level

# Example

zap, receipt
  final amount = 21;
  final lnurl = "opensats@vlt.ge";
  final comment = "enjoy this zap from NDK";

  ZapResponse response = await ndk.zaps.zap(
      nwcConnection: connection,
      lnurl: lnurl,
      comment: comment,
      amountSats: amount,
      fetchZapReceipt: true,
      signer: Bip340EventSigner(
          privateKey: key.privateKey, publicKey: key.publicKey),
      relays: ["wss://relay.damus.io"],

  if (response.payInvoiceResponse != null &&
      response.payInvoiceResponse!.preimage.isNotEmpty) {
        "Payed $amount to $lnurl, preimage = ${response.payInvoiceResponse!.preimage}");

    print("Waiting for Zap Receipt...");
    ZapReceipt? receipt = await response.zapReceipt;
    if (receipt != null) {
      print("Receipt : $receipt");
    } else {
      print("No Receipt");

  await ndk.destroy();
receipts for profile
print("fetching zap receipts for profile ");
final profileReceipts = await ndk.zaps

// Sort profileReceipts by amountSats in descending order
    .sort((a, b) => (b.amountSats ?? 0).compareTo(a.amountSats ?? 0));

int profileSum = 0;
for (var receipt in profileReceipts) {
  String? sender;
  if (receipt.sender != null) {
    Metadata? metadata = await ndk.metadata.loadMetadata(receipt.sender!);
    sender = metadata?.name;
      "${sender != null ? "from $sender " : ""} ${receipt.amountSats} sats ${receipt.comment}");
  profileSum += receipt.amountSats ?? 0;
print("${profileReceipts.length} receipts, total of $profileSum sats");
receipts for event
print("fetching zap receipts for single event ");
final receipts = await ndk.zaps

// Sort eventReceipts by amountSats in descending order
receipts.sort((a, b) => (b.amountSats ?? 0).compareTo(a.amountSats ?? 0));

int eventSum = 0;
for (var receipt in receipts) {
  String? sender;
  if (receipt.sender != null) {
    Metadata? metadata = await ndk.metadata.loadMetadata(receipt.sender!);
    sender = metadata?.name;
      "${sender != null ? "from $sender " : ""} ${receipt.amountSats} sats ${receipt.comment}");
  eventSum += receipt.amountSats ?? 0;
print("${receipts.length} receipts, total of $eventSum sats");

# How to use

You need a nostr+walletconnect://... uri from your NWC wallet service provider.

see https://github.com/getAlby/awesome-nwc for more info how to get a wallet supporting NWC