low level
final downloadResult = await ndk.blossom.getBlob(
serverUrls: ["https://cdn.hzrd149.com"],
"file of type: ${downloadResult.mimeType}, size: ${downloadResult.data.length}",
When to use
For a simpler, more generic API, check out
If no servers are specified the default user server list (kind 10063
) is used for upload and delete.
The auth events get automatically signed and are valid for:
const Duration BLOSSOM_AUTH_EXPIRATION = Duration(minutes: 5);
methods - Blossom
upload a blob, if serverMediaOptimisation is set to true
the /media
endpoint is used.
/// upload a blob to the server
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error \
/// the current signer is used to sign the request \
/// [strategy] is the upload strategy, default is mirrorAfterSuccess \
/// [serverMediaOptimisation] is whether the server should optimise the media [BUD-05], IMPORTANT: the server hash will be different \
Future<List<BlobUploadResult>> uploadBlob({
required Uint8List data,
List<String>? serverUrls,
String? contentType,
UploadStrategy strategy = UploadStrategy.mirrorAfterSuccess,
bool serverMediaOptimisation = false,
}) async {
Download the blob and use fallback if the blob is not found or the server is offline.
/// Gets a blob by trying servers sequentially until success (fallback) \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
Future<BlobResponse> getBlob({
required String sha256,
bool useAuth = false,
List<String>? serverUrls,
String? pubkeyToFetchUserServerList,
}) async {
if you have a video player that uses a url you can use check to get a valid url first. Example can be found in NDK demo app
/// checks if the blob exists on the server without downloading, useful to check before streaming a video via url \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
/// returns the url of one server that has the blob e.g. https://myserver.com/hash.pdf \
/// otherwise throws an error
Future<String> checkBlob({
required String sha256,
bool useAuth = false,
List<String>? serverUrls,
String? pubkeyToFetchUserServerList,
}) async {
Similar to getBlob
, it streams the data, which is helpful for video files.
/// downloads a blob as a stream, useful for large files like videos \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
Future<Stream<BlobResponse>> getBlobStream({
required String sha256,
bool useAuth = false,
List<String>? serverUrls,
String? pubkeyToFetchUserServerList,
int chunkSize = 1024 * 1024, // 1MB chunks,
}) async {
/// list the [pubkey] blobs \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
Future<List<BlobDescriptor>> listBlobs({
required String pubkey,
List<String>? serverUrls,
bool useAuth = true,
DateTime? since,
DateTime? until,
}) async {
/// delete a blob
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error \
/// the current signer is used to sign the request
Future<List<BlobDeleteResult>> deleteBlob({
required String sha256,
List<String>? serverUrls,
}) async {
/// Directly downloads a blob from the url, without blossom
Future<BlobResponse> directDownload({
required Uri url,
}) {
/// Reports a blob to the server
/// [sha256] is the hash of the blob
/// [eventId] is the event id where the blob was mentioned
/// [reportType] is the type of report, e.g. malware @see nip56
/// [reportMsg] is the message to send to the server
/// [serverUrl] server url to report to
/// returns the http status code of the rcv server
Future<int> report({
required String sha256,
required String eventId,
required String reportType,
required String reportMsg,
required String serverUrl,
}) async {
methods - BlossomUserServerList
To get and set the user server list e.g. on settings page, you can use BlossomUserServerList
/// Get user server list \
/// returns list of server urls \
/// returns null if the user has no server list
Future<List<String>?> getUserServerList({
required List<String> pubkeys,
}) async {
/// Publish user server list \
/// order of [serverUrlsOrdered] is important, the first server is the most trusted server
Future<List<RelayBroadcastResponse>> publishUserServerList({
required List<String> serverUrlsOrdered,
}) async {