# Blossom

low level

# Example

final downloadResult = await ndk.blossom.getBlob(
  serverUrls: ["https://cdn.hzrd149.com"],

  "file of type: ${downloadResult.mimeType}, size: ${downloadResult.data.length}",

# When to use

For a simpler, more generic API, check out


If no servers are specified the default user server list (kind 10063) is used for upload and delete.

The auth events get automatically signed and are valid for:

const Duration BLOSSOM_AUTH_EXPIRATION = Duration(minutes: 5);

# methods - Blossom

# uploadBlob

upload a blob, if serverMediaOptimisation is set to true the /media endpoint is used.

/// upload a blob to the server
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error \
/// the current signer is used to sign the request \
/// [strategy] is the upload strategy, default is mirrorAfterSuccess \
/// [serverMediaOptimisation] is whether the server should optimise the media [BUD-05], IMPORTANT: the server hash will be different \
Future<List<BlobUploadResult>> uploadBlob({
  required Uint8List data,
  List<String>? serverUrls,
  String? contentType,
  UploadStrategy strategy = UploadStrategy.mirrorAfterSuccess,
  bool serverMediaOptimisation = false,
}) async {

# getBlob

Download the blob and use fallback if the blob is not found or the server is offline.

/// Gets a blob by trying servers sequentially until success (fallback) \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
Future<BlobResponse> getBlob({
  required String sha256,
  bool useAuth = false,
  List<String>? serverUrls,
  String? pubkeyToFetchUserServerList,
}) async {

# checkBlob

/// checks if the blob exists on the server without downloading, useful to check before streaming a video via url \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
/// returns the url of one server that has the blob e.g. https://myserver.com/hash.pdf \
/// otherwise  throws an error
Future<String> checkBlob({
  required String sha256,
  bool useAuth = false,
  List<String>? serverUrls,
  String? pubkeyToFetchUserServerList,
}) async {

# getBlobStream

Similar to getBlob, it streams the data, which is helpful for video files.

/// downloads a blob as a stream, useful for large files like videos \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
Future<Stream<BlobResponse>> getBlobStream({
  required String sha256,
  bool useAuth = false,
  List<String>? serverUrls,
  String? pubkeyToFetchUserServerList,
  int chunkSize = 1024 * 1024, // 1MB chunks,
}) async {

# listBlobs

/// list the [pubkey] blobs \
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error
Future<List<BlobDescriptor>> listBlobs({
  required String pubkey,
  List<String>? serverUrls,
  bool useAuth = true,
  DateTime? since,
  DateTime? until,
}) async {

# deleteBlob

/// delete a blob
/// if [serverUrls] is null, the userServerList is fetched from nostr. \
/// if the pukey has no UserServerList (kind: 10063), throws an error \
/// the current signer is used to sign the request
Future<List<BlobDeleteResult>> deleteBlob({
  required String sha256,
  List<String>? serverUrls,
}) async {

# directDownload

/// Directly downloads a blob from the url, without blossom
Future<BlobResponse> directDownload({
  required Uri url,
}) {

# report

/// Reports a blob to the server
/// [sha256] is the hash of the blob
/// [eventId] is the event id where the blob was mentioned
/// [reportType] is the type of report, e.g. malware @see nip56
/// [reportMsg] is the message to send to the server
/// [serverUrl] server url to report to
/// returns the http status code of the rcv server
Future<int> report({
  required String sha256,
  required String eventId,
  required String reportType,
  required String reportMsg,
  required String serverUrl,
}) async {

# methods - BlossomUserServerList

To get and set the user server list e.g. on settings page, you can use BlossomUserServerList

# getUserServerList

/// Get user server list \
/// returns list of server urls \
/// returns null if the user has no server list
Future<List<String>?> getUserServerList({
  required List<String> pubkeys,
}) async {

# publishUserServerList

/// Publish user server list \
/// order of [serverUrlsOrdered] is important, the first server is the most trusted server
Future<List<RelayBroadcastResponse>> publishUserServerList({
  required List<String> serverUrlsOrdered,
}) async {