# Architecture Decision Record: Layered Architecture

Title: Layered Architecture - folder structure

# status

In progress

Updated on 26-06-2024

# contributors

  • Main contributor(s): leo-lox

  • Reviewer(s): frnandu

  • final decision made by: frnandu, leo-lox

# Context and Problem Statement

Right now files and folders follow a simple nip folder structure (each nip gets a folder). There are no clear guidelines on where to put stuff and how to attach other packages.

# Main Proposal

Implement a clear folder structure and a layered architecture that makes it easy to include third-party packages.

The proposed structure looks like this:


  • lib/
    • config/
      • # contains configuration files
    • shared/
      • nipX # folders for nip specific code
      • # only internal code, no external dependencies!
    • data_layer/
      • data_sources/
        • # external apis, websocket impl etc.
      • models/
        • # type conversion e.g. json to entity
      • repositories/
        • # repository implementations (implementing domain_layer repos)
    • domain_layer/
      • entities/
        • # our entities e.g. data types
      • repositories/
        • # contracts
      • usecases/
        • # our main code / business logic
    • presentation_layer/
      • # contains our api design (makes usecases accessible to outside world)
    • lib.dart # entrypoint, points to presentation_layer
  • tests/
    • usecases/
      • # integration_tests
    • unit/
      • # unit tests

The shared folder is there to make the transition easier. Ideally, shared schuld only contain business logic and therefore extend the use cases folder. It can also be used for pure functions that use our entities.

# Consequences

in terms of difficulty, impact on other teams or the whole codebase, time, budget, uncertainty, etc

  • Pros

    • It makes it easy to include third-party packages without breaking stuff in the future.
    • Clear separation of concerns. It makes it easier for other developers to contribute.
    • We can easily switch out different third-party components. (e.g. websocket)
    • Makes clear what is accessible to the user and what is not.
    • Easy to integrate bridge structure like a rust bridge.
  • Cons

    • Requires a lot of rearranging the code base.
    • Guidelines need to be enforced.

If we want to transition to a event driven architecture this could be possible by injecting a message bus into our usecases

# Alternative proposals

none so far

# Final Notes

Proposal Accepted. Going forward after merging of https://github.com/relaystr/ndk/tree/relay_jit_ranking https://github.com/relaystr/ndk/tree/split-relay-manager https://github.com/relaystr/ndk completed