# Library development 🏗️

# Setup

Install prerequisites

run melos bootstrap to install all dependencies.

If you work on rust code (packages/rust_verifier/rust_builder/rust) run flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate --watch to generate the rust dart glue code.

Run build runner: (e.g for generating mocks)
dart run build_runner build

# Architecture

The repo is setup as a monorepo and packages are split to enable user choice of what to include.
The main package is ndk which is the main entry point for the lib user.
Other packages like rust_verifier or amber are optional and can be included if needed.

NDK uses Clean Architecture. Reasons for it being clear separation of concerns and therefore making it more accessible for future contributors.
You can read more about it here.

For initialization we use presentation_layer/init.dart to assemble all dependencies, these are then exposed in presentation_layer/ndk.dart the main entry point for the lib user.

Global state is realized via a simple [GlobalState] object created by ndk.dart.
The lib user is supposed to keep the [NDK] object in memory.

Other state objects are created on demand, for example [RequestState] for each request.

# Folder Structure of ndk

├── config/
│   └── # Configuration files
├── shared/
│   ├── nipX/ # NIP-specific code folders
│   └── # Internal code, no external dependencies
├── data_layer/
│   ├── data_sources/
│   │   └── # External APIs, WebSocket implementations, etc.
│   ├── models/
│   │   └── # Data transformation (e.g., JSON to entity)
│   └── repositories/
│       └── # Concrete repository implementations
├── domain_layer/
│   ├── entities/
│   │   └── # Core business objects
│   ├── repositories/
│   │   └── # Repository contracts
│   └── usecases/
│       └── # Business logic / use cases
├── presentation_layer/
│   └── # API design (exposing use cases to the outside world)
└── ndk.dart # Entry point, directs to presentation layer